
March Progress Update

It has been an up and down with this typical Canadian Winter.  However the FREEZING Canadian weather and the quick thaw we had a few weeks ago we are continuing on our quest to rebuild.  We are still committed to our opening date of July 1st and are focusing on all of the details that will make this a great hall…. as seen here… the roof has been installed and we have started working on finishing up the exterior of the building.

We are looking to a July 1st 2017 Opening Date… so don’t wait to reserve your event ASAP


Ce fut un hiver de hauts et de bas mais nous continuons la reconstruction de la salle.  Nous voulons absolument garder notre date d’ouverture et on y travaille TRÈS fort.  Comme vous le voyez le toît est déjà installé et nous travaillons sur l’extérieur du bâtiment.


On anticipe toujours re-ouvrir le 1er juillet 2017!


CLICK on the link below to see our rebuild portfolio

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